Recommended Reads

Recommended Reads

Three books that I have enjoyed reading are Pies from Nowhere: How Georgia Gilmore Sustained the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Dee Romito, Let the Children March by Monica Clark-Robinson, and The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read by Rita Lorraine Hubbard. These stories bring out the strength, determination, and perseverance of different individuals […]

Generating Writing Ideas

Generating Writing Ideas

“I don’t know what to write!” is something that I have heard countless students say when they have been told that they could write on any topic of their choice. Some students would jump straight in with ideas flowing, while others sit not knowing where to start. Their uncertainty led me to think about ways […]

A Fun Valentine’s Day Activity

A Fun Valentine’s Day Activity

This Valentine’s Day activity is an opportunity for students to tell each other how they are special.  At the end of the activity, each student will have a You Are Special Because  . . . heart that has been signed by their classmates with comments about what makes them special. Preparation Before the Activity Print […]

The Writing Process

The Writing Process

I have found that it is helpful to introduce the writing process to students at the start of the school year and/or before we jump into focused writing. When I do this it helps the students become familiar with the writing process vocabulary, see the big picture of how we will approach writing, and understand […]